These are great tips. When I'm not really in an ideal mood to write I'll take a subsection from an old post and turn it into an entirely new piece.

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Very good advice it is wise to recognize that we all feel different different days of the week so this is some very sound solid advice thank you, Lea.

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To be honest with you, I thought that espresso would be more for each step. 🤣 But these was great advice. I keep forgetting I can do meditation before doing creative work. That do boost it.

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Great tips! Love how you break it down by mood. Good idea.

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I can't sit for 2 hours. It hurts. I feel best if I stop every 30 minutes for 5 minutes or so.

Meditation is central in your routines. Where did you find the different kind of meditations?

Do they have different effects?

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I think this is one of the best with example advice I have read. Thanks for writing this piece!

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Great advice. Which is your go-to method?

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Mine would be 5 hours of writing in an 8 hr. writing work day.

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I love this- we are not the same every day, so how can we expect the same of ourselves every day? I can’t believe I strove to be a robot, then wondered why I broke down.

Can you share the meditation audios that work for you?

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I like this. And I also default to editing, researching, organizing when I'm on the less-than-ideal days. Stuff still get done but I don't stress on it not being as creative as other days.

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This sounds like a fantastic practice

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Love this, and I think it could work for a lot of people!

I haven't got anything as formal as this set up, although I do have what I call an MVP (minimum viable product) day, if I'm low in mood/energy or feeling unwell - I discard my original plan, decide what are the smallest tasks I can do to move the needle, and do those things, no matter how small they are. And then I celebrate the win and get as much rest as I can <3

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All the writers write and take a walk while listening to music while drinking a cup of coffee. And they keep a diary and communicate with different people, which seems to have something in common among the writers. I want to add some stretching to this

And eye massages are recommended to protect tired eyes.

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I followed your advice! This makes me feel less alone. Thank you for this, Lea!

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That’s easy, how do you do the dishes everyday without burning out though?

“I get sucked into ideas mid step, so I almost trip, and stand there seemingly lost, even though it’s just time that’s on pause. So I leave a fire on on the stove when I have to do things around the house. My eyes know it’s risky and I’m able to keep monkey brain on the important stuff. Wouldn’t want a wandering mind in this life.”

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I only burn out if I’m doing something stressful, I’m not the best writer but I find it relaxing.

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Interesting perspective. I was down and out today. Having tired a different method, I can now relate to everything written here.

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